Title: Belarus – Success in Railroad Warfare
Author: Anonymous
Date: 2022-03-25
Notes: Retrieved on 2022-06-30 from a2day.net

There is no railway communication between Belarus and Ukraine now, the head of Ukrzaliznytsia, Oleksandr Kamyshyn, said on 19.03.22. According to him, “thanks for this should be given to the honest Belarus railroad workers,” but he did not give any more details.

“I believe that there are still honest people among Belarusians, and especially among Belarus railroad workers, and I wouldn’t want to set them up for what is happening today […] I am sure that honest people in this organization will be able to stop the work of Belarus railroads related to the transportation of military echelons towards Ukraine,” added the head of the UZ board. The head of the railroad refused to specify from what date there is no such communication, but confirmed that the railroad tracks are unusable.

An adviser to the Ukrainian president’s office, Arestovich, said that stopping rail traffic through Belarus was important for Ukraine. On March 17, he called for a “total rail war” against the enemy in the occupied territories:

“Disruption of the enemy’s supply by rail (and this type of supply is the most effective) can radically change the situation in our favor, especially in the direction Crimea – Melitopol. The enemy supplies the group storming Mariupol via this direction,” Arestovich stressed.

Arestovich also addressed the Belarusians:

“By the way, such supplies could come from Belarus itself. It’s not for nothing that electric trains there were repainted… So brothers Belarusians, if you are against this war, then do what you did best – the guerrilla rail warfare. And in Belarus itself, I emphasize, only on the routes of the Russian troops.

Guerrilla rail warfare is really going well for the Belarusian resistance. The figure shows sabotage on the railroads of Belarus only for 2022. The Belarusians have long successfully carried out such sabotage in order to destabilize the Belarusian regime and cause economic damage, without any calls from Ukraine – they slow down trains by blocking the work of semaphores with stretched wire, burn transformer booths, arrange cyber attacks, disabling the control system and ticket sales. And, of course, helping to blow a strike against the Russian army and preventing Belarus from being dragged into a shameful aggressive war is certainly a worthy task.

At night, March 25, 2022, near Borisov (Belarus), two relay boxes of SCB (signaling, centralization and locking devices) were burned at once. relay boxes (even and odd direction) were burned after midnight on the railroad line of Borisov-Novosady (Minsk branch of BelZhD).

The KGB of Belarus has already stated that it cannot guarantee the security of the movement of Russian troops along the Belarusian railroads, with controlling time of advancement, correspondence with the Directorate for Military Communications of Belarus and Russia and other documentation.

In this connection, the KGB is going to conduct another mop-up at the railroad. It is reported that employees of the Administration, branches and subdivisions are forced to sign a paper with threats of criminal liability for involvement in the rail war and calling for it.

We hope that there are brave people in Russia as well. Sabotage on the railroad is a practical thing, which could be done by anyone and could be carried out by a small group or by one person. In the long run, it may also be used to prevent the movement of punishers within the country. At the same time, security must be kept in mind. Apart from the obvious things, keep in mind that many sections of the railroad are under video surveillance, especially in Russia (for example, the Moscow-St. Petersburg railroad is under video surveillance in its entirety). Calculate where the forces of evil can come from and how quickly, think of escape routes.

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